Folio3 Cloud Services

Accelerate Architectural Agility and Business Innovation with AWS Lambda

Businesses seek on-demand cloud resources to gain agility and reduce costs with pay-as-you-go billing. As an extensive AWS partner, Folio3 enables organizations to realize these benefits by leveraging the serverless capabilities of AWS Lambda.

With extensive domain knowledge and AWS Lambda expertise, we enable zero administration for running code across applications and services. Contact us today to realize the benefits of serverless computing.


Certifications and Accreditations

Folio3 Cloud Services

Why Trust Folio3 as Your Amazon Lambda Service Delivery Partner?

As an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, we help customers achieve more efficiency, continuous scalability, and cost optimization with serverless computing. Leveraging our cloud expertise, we enable organizations to realize the benefits of AWS Lambda. Automatically run code without infrastructure, seamlessly scale from small to massive throughput, and pay only for compute time used. With our well-defined cloud strategy and pay-as-you-go model, customers can enrich infrastructure and optimize costs.

Benefits of AWS Lambda

Scale with Amazon Lambda

Automatic Scaling

Serverless agility meets dynamic demands. AWS Lambda instantly creates functions on request, eliminating capacity planning and scale tuning. Benefit from always-available functions to accommodate sudden traffic spikes. The serverless Lambda service effortlessly handles usage variability.

Cost Efficiency

Achieve cost-efficient scaling with a pay-per-use model. With AWS Lambda, you only pay for the compute and network resources your functions leverage. This provides a highly cost-effective way to manage billing for workloads requiring seamless scalability. The serverless nature of Lambda aligns costs precisely with usage.

Serverless Code Execution

AWS Lambda enables automatic code execution without managing servers. Optimize performance by choosing the right memory size for your functions. The serverless architecture eliminates operational overhead for seamless, automated code deployment.

Hassle-Free Integration

AWS Lambda transcends building entire SaaS solutions in an event-driven or API-centric manner. It also readily integrates out-of-the-box in poll or event-based modes to interconnect and automate distributed applications. This empowers you to concentrate on business-specific transformations rather than writing repetitive integration code for data transfers.

Lambda Features

What Amazon Lambda Offers

As an AWS and Lambda Partner, we assist in transitioning to serverless architectures. Lambda automates deployment, scaling, and management, freeing you from infrastructure provisioning. Seamlessly build event-driven applications with auto-scaling, pay-per-use billing, and out-of-the-box integrations. Our experts provide end-to-end optimization so you can focus on innovation rather than operations.

Real-Time Processing

Leverage serverless computing to effortlessly process critical data feeds for tracking application activity, transaction order processing, analyzing customer behavior, generating business metrics, and usage metering. AWS Lambda integrates natively with data streams, executing code in real-time in response to new information. This allows instant data insights without the overhead of infrastructure management.

Machine Learning

Intelligently preprocess data before machine learning model training to improve accuracy. Then, seamlessly deploy trained models at scale with Lambda for real-time prediction of new data. Serverless computing simplifies the creation of data pipelines and inference pipelines for machine learning. No servers to manage allows complete focus on the machine learning lifecycle. Lambda integrates tightly with AI services like SageMaker to accelerate building and productionization.

Internet of Things

Build robust and scalable serverless backends to power web, mobile, IoT, and third-party API workloads. AWS Lambda executes code in response to request events, providing automatic scaling and pay-per-use billing. Develop event-driven microservices and API backends without thinking about servers. Enable secure connectivity and integration across platforms. Lambda's instant elasticity and availability make it ideal for mission-critical services requiring seamless scalability.

Unique User Experiences

Deliver exceptional user experiences using in-app updates to provide personalized, dynamic content. Lambda enables implementing customized logic to tailor application experiences unique to each user. Satisfy users by anticipating their needs and engaging them with relevant information. Lambda seamlessly scales to support large user bases while integrating with other data sources and systems to build holistic profiles.

Case Studies

Growth. Enabled.

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Game Golf

Game Golf

A Cloud-based sporting experience for Golfers

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Lift Ignitor

Lift Ignitor

AI-Driven Recommendations System

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Patient and Referral Data Platform for Healthcare Providers.

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Payment Gateway Services

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Unlock the Potential of Connected Vehicles

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Sunburst Type To Learn

Sunburst Type To Learn

Improve your typing efficiency in a gamified environment

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InGenius Prep

InGenius Prep

College Counselling Application with Multiple Request Handling

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Magento Cloud Migration

Magento Cloud Migration

E-commerce website for coffee beans of all kinds

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Nutrition Detection App

Nutrition Detection App

Detect the nutritional value of your food on the go.

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Multi-tenant Ecommerce platform

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One of the world’s leading real estate services providers

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One of the world's leading experience optimization platforms

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Media Channel

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Learning management system based on Moodle

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Enterprise Messaging platform

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Leverage Our AWS Lambda Expertise

Trust Folio3’s AWS experts to rapidly build and deploy your serverless apps with Lambda. Our experienced team specializes in architecting and managing Lambda at scale. Let us handle the complexities so you can focus on innovation and speed to market.

Amazing Experience

Reduce your costs by automating repetitive tasks and standardizing IT operations. Gain from capitalizing on frequent integrations and increase monetary savings by saving costs like network downtime costs and software release costs, due to a lot of such automation in order.
progressive beef

Heather Donley

VP of Operations

Companies We Have Served